Monday, 3 September 2012

9th Grade Math

In 9th Grade Math, we have a chapter of a polynomial, in which we will learn about the concepts related to the polynomial. Firstly we will start with what all is a polynomial. We define a polynomial as the combination of the terms which are classified as the linear polynomial, quadratic polynomial or the cubic polynomial.
In case the polynomial is a linear polynomial, its standard form is ax + b, where a <> 0. On the other hand , we write quadratic polynomial in the form of ax>2 + bx + c , where a <> 0. Similarly cubic polynomial is written as ax>3 + bx>2 + cx , where a <> 0.
To find the zero of the given polynomial, we mean that the roots of the polynomial are to be calculated. So we will equate the given polynomial to 0 and get the value of x. Suppose we have a linear polynomial say P(x) =3x + 6. So we say that to find the zero of the polynomial we write P(x) = 0
So 3x + 6 = 0,
Or 3x = -6 ,
Or x = -6 /3 = -2 Ans.
Similarly we can find the zero of the other polynomials. We must remember that the number of zeros of the given polynomial is equal to the degree of the polynomials. So a quadratic polynomial has two zeros, a cubic polynomial has 3 zeros and so on….
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